
The Turtle class is suitable for a very simple start. For somewhat advanced requirements, the classes listed here can be used.

Pen class

An instance of this class is a pen, which can draw lines on the screen.

Method Description
Move, Draw and Position State:  
Move(double distance) Move the pen by the specified distance, in the direction the pen is headed.
Rotate(double angle) Change the heading (drawing direction)
SetPosition(Vec2D position) or SetPosition(double x, double y) Change position.
Position [Type is Vec2D] Get or change position
Heading [Type is double] Get or change heading
Speed [Type is Speed] Get or change speed
Drawing state:  
IsDown [Type is bool] Get or change state of pen
Color control:  
Color [Type is Color] Get or change color
BeginFill() Start the filling
EndFill() Fill the shape drawn after the last call of BeginFill()
Filling (Type is bool) Return fillstate (true if filling, false else)
BeginPoly() Start recording the vertices of a polygon.
EndPoly() Stop recording the vertices of a polygon and returns it as a List of Vec2D
Screen (Type is Screen) The screen on which this pen is drawing

Figure class

An instance of this class is a figure (for instance the image of a turtle or a bird), which can be moved on the screen.

Method Description
Move, Draw and Position State:  
Move(double distance) Move the figure by the specified distance, in the direction the figure is headed.
Rotate(double angle) Change the heading (drawing direction)
SetPosition(Vec2D position) or SetPosition(double x, double y) Change position.
Position [Type is Vec2D] Get or change position
Heading [Type is double] Get or change heading
Speed [Type is Speed] Get or change speed
Visibility and appearance:  
IsVisible (Type is bool) True if figure is shown, false if is hidden
Shape (Type is a Shape) Get or change the shape of the figure
Color control:  
OutlineColor [Type is Color] Get or change the outline color
FillColor [Type is Color] Get or change the fill color
Color [Type is Color] Change outline color and fill color
Screen (Type is Screen) The screen on which this figure is drawn
WaitForCompletedMovementOf(Figure otherFigure) Wait with next movement for completed movement of the otherFigure

Screen class

An instance of this class represents the screen to which screen objects (lines, shapes, …) are drawn.

Method Description
TextInput(string title, string prompt) [Type is string] Pop up a dialog window for input of a string. Returns the user-input
NumInput(string title, string prompt) [Type is int] Pop up a dialog window for input of an integer number. Returns the user-input
DoubleInput(string title, string prompt) [Type is double] Pop up a dialog window for input of a double number. Returns the user-input
WriteText(string text, Vec2D pos, …) Write a text to a give position, additional parameters for style etc.
Bye() Shut the window
SwitchToUnitTestDefaultScreen() For unit tests
SwitchToNormalDefaultScreen() For unit tests

Shapes class

A list with all usable shapes.

Method Description
Add(string name, List<Vec2D> polygon) Add a polygon to the shapelist
Add(string name, Shape shape) Add a compound shape to the sapelist. A compound shape contains several polygons
Get(string name) [Type is Shape] Get the shape of the given name
GetNames() [Type is List<string>] Get a list of all currently available turtle shape-names

To access the predefined default shapes, you can use the Get method or use predefined Shapes:

Shapes.Arrow, Shapes.Circle, Shapes.Square, Shapes.Triangle, Shapes.Classic, Shapes.Turtle, Shapes.Bird